LGBTQIA+ community

  • LGBTQIA+ Liaison Officers

    Our LGBTQIA+ Liaison Officers work to provide an inclusive environment by connecting LGBTQIA+ students and staff to community, events, resources and services offered by the Library and University. LGBTQIA+ Liaison Officers are found across campus in various departments and faculties. All Liaison Officers undergo training coordinated by the University’s Pride Network and Diversity and Inclusion team.

  • LGBTQIA+ events and exhibitions

    Our staff participate in events on and off campus that support and celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community, including Mardi Gras, Wear it Purple Day, Pride Culture Club, and in-house exhibitions that highlight the Library’s queer collections. Keep an eye on our social media channels and follow us on Instagram and Twitter/X for the latest LGBTQIA+ events taking place.


    In 2022, the Library commissioned local artist Jeremy Smith to create a piece commemorating key moments in the LGBTQIA+ history of Sydney. This artwork—titled Queer Sydney: A History—now hangs proudly in the central stairwell of Fisher Library.

  • A large-scale hand-drawn pen drawing, featuring bright colours and fine details, depicting key moments in the history of Sydney’s queer community. It moves visually through history in a clockwise motion, from Indigenous origins to present day, making seen a history that has been often unseen, celebrating and memorialising that history.

    LGBTQIA+ resources

  • Pronouns and gendered language

    We recognise the range of pronouns associated with diverse genders and respect people’s right to inform the Library of the pronouns they use. Many Library staff display their pronouns on badges, email signatures and on web conferencing software.


    We have undertaken a review of gendered terms used on the Library website, and have developed guidelines for the appropriate use of pronouns in Library-created content. This initiative is a first among Australian academic libraries.

    Read our guidelines for gendered terms
  • Welcome Here project

    The Library became a registered member of the Welcome Here Project in 2019. Run by community health organisation ACON, the Welcome Here Project highlights businesses and organisations throughout Australia that are visibly welcoming, inclusive safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ people. 

    ACON icon Learn more about the Welcome Here Project