John Bradf​ield collection now online

Black and white photo of Pyrmont Bridge between 1890-1930. Crowds of people are on the bridge, as well as horse-drawn carriages.

Take a trip down memory lane and discover how many of our familiar streets and landmarks – including the Pyrmont Bridge, as pictured above – came to be. Other notable locations include the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Flinders Street in Melbourne, and St George's Terrace in Perth.

Collected and created by Dr. J.J.C. Bradfield, most famously known for the design and construction of the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge, the scrapbooks and photograph albums that comprise this collection trace Australia’s rich construction history from the late 19th century through to the early 20th century.

These were digitised from the Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections copies, and contain the bookplate, “This book is the gift of Dr. K.N.E. Bradfield.”

View the John Bradfield collection on our Digital Collections website

Slide 1: selected pages from Roads and Bridges of Tasmania

Slides 2-3: selected pages from Sydney Harbour Bridge and city railway construction, Volume 3