Sydney Rare Book Week 2024

Sydney Rare Book Fair 2023

This year's Sydney Rare Book Week program includes free talks, workshops and tours that celebrate the importance of books, publishing, book production and collecting. The University of Sydney Library will be hosting two workshops and a public lecture, followed by the Sydney Rare Book Fair. All events are free and open to the public. 

Introduction to Letterpress Printing workshop

Join us in the Piscator Press Workshop in Fisher Library to learn about the history of letterpress printing. You will also have the opportunity to set some type and print your very own memento to take home. 

Monday 21 October 2024
Fisher Library 
University of Sydney

Register for the 10.30am-12pm session
Register for the 1.30-3pm session
Please note these are repeat sessions. You only need to register for one.


A Bibliography of the works of Norman Lindsay: Another never-ending Magic Pudding?

Come along to this free public lecture at Fisher Library about the iconic Australian artist, Norman Lindsay. Notable bibliographers and collectors in the past strove with the challenge of compiling a Bibliography of the works of Norman Lindsay. All eventually decided that the task was simply too daunting to complete.

Today, with electronic resources and access to the two finest private libraries of Lindsayana, Robert Holden and Rodney Kent have devoted the last few years to reviving this project. Of particular importance has been the Lindsay holdings in Rare Books and Special Collections at the University of Sydney Library, with its wealth of tipped-in ephemera including holograph letters from Lindsay et al., original drawings, ephemera, and cuttings. Come along and be introduced to some wonderful highlights from the collection. 

Tuesday 22 October 2024, 4.30-5.30pm
Fisher Library
University of Sydney

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The Sydney Rare Book Fair

Held in the historic MacLaurin Hall, this event brings together antiquarian and rare book sellers from across the country. This event is free and open to everyone; come along to view interesting books, prints and ephemera. No bookings required. 

  • Thursday 24th October: 6-9pm
  • Friday 25th October: 10am-5pm
  • Saturday 26th October: 10am-4pm

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Beyond the Library

The full program includes events at the State Library of NSW, Penrith Museum of Printing, Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, City of Sydney, Antique Print Map Room, Moore College, Ralph Lewis Binery, Parliament House, the Mint, Western Sydney Records Centre and the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Explore the full program online