Services and facilities

All gender bathrooms
Assistive technology
Curriculum collection
Digital wall
Exhibition space
Flexible learning spaces
Group study rooms
Information desk
Fisher, Law, SciTech, SWHB and the Conservatorium
ThinkSpace, CreateSpace, The Quarter, Camden Commons
Kitchen and vending machines
Learning hub
Listening equipment
Media booths
Parents room
Parking nearby (paid)
Training rooms
Silent zones
Study desks
Study pods
Wheelchair access

All gender bathrooms

Three all gender accessible bathrooms are located on level 1 of Fisher Library close to the lifts, staff workrooms and connection to the Law Library.

Assistive technology

An assistive technology lab is located on level 3 of Fisher Library. Here you can access specialist software and hardware for: 

  • speech recognition
  • magnifying and screen reading
  • colour overlay 
  • braille embossing
  • printing and more.

Specialist staff are available to help you use these resources. 

There are also 2 internal booths within the lab for independent study.  

To access this facility, you must register with Inclusion and Disability Services.


Covering various disciplines and subjects available for borrowing or reference within library sites.

Curriculum collection

Located on Level 5 of Fisher Library, the Curriculum Collection supports staff and students from the Sydney School of Education & Social Work involved with pre-service Education qualifications. All members of the University community are welcome to use this collection.

Curriculum resource materials are things that can be used in the classroom teaching environment, as well as in preparation of lesson programs. Material in the collection supports teaching and classroom practice from Early Childhood through to Year 12. Books, DVDs, models, kits, puppets and other resources are available for loan. Selected historical and current syllabus documents for each subject are also available, as are many support and policy documents. The emphasis of the collection is on New South Wales, however we do have some material from other states. Use our support information to find out how to search for curriculum resources.

Material that is largely for theoretical study is located in the Fisher Collection

For University of Sydney Higher Degree Theses, see Finding Theses for information.


All Library spaces have computers that can be logged into using your UniKey. All student computers will log out after 30 minutes of inactivity. Some libraries have computer monitors where you can dock your own device to give you a second screen. You can plug in your device, using the available cables.

Digital wall

A large digital display area used for showcasing digital content, presentations, or interactive learning materials, promoting engagement and innovation in learning.

Exhibition space

Designated areas within the library used for showcasing academic or artistic exhibitions and promoting intellectual and creative endeavours.

Flexible learning spaces

Adaptable areas within library sites that can be configured to accommodate various learning activities or events.

Group study rooms

Rooms equipped with collaborative technology, whiteboards, and multimedia facilities, available by booking. Students and staff can book a group study room for up to two hours a day, up to two weeks in advance. If you’re more than 15 minutes late, someone else can use the room. Multimedia rooms can be booked for up to three hours.

Information desk

Fisher, Law, SciTech, SWHB and the Conservatorium

Staff on our information desks will help you with borrowing and accessing our collections, finding a desk to study and connecting you to university services. 

ThinkSpace, CreateSpace, The Quarter, Camden Commons

Peer Learning Advisor staff in our information desks will help you with a wide range of topics including peer-to-peer services, referencing, study tips, creative technologies including using Generative Artificial Intelligence in learning, and connecting you to university services. 

Kitchen and vending machines

Kitchen facilities for students, along with vending machines providing snacks and beverages for quick refreshments. Please keep all hot foods in the student kitchen areas only. 


You can borrow a laptop at the laptop vending machines found at:

  • Fisher Library
  • SciTech Library
  • level 4 of the Susan Wakil Health building near Seminar room 405
  • the Central Acute Services Building (CASB), Westmead Campus, Building K, level 6.

The standard period for borrowing laptops is eight hours and the due for return time & date will be aligned with each location’s standard opening hours. 

All technical questions relating to borrowed laptops or concerns regarding laptop vending machines can be referred to ICT  +61 2 9351 2000 (select option 2 for ICT) 

Learning hub

A designated area or hub within the library where students can access academic support, workshops, and resources to enhance their learning experience.

Listening equipment

Audio equipment at designated desks at the Conservatorium Library for listening


Available at the PNR Learning HubThe Quarter and the HDR lounge only.

PNR Learning Hub

Student societies that are affiliated with Engineering Faculty can reserve lockers at the PNR Learning Hub. Email our Peer Learning Advisors for more information.

The Quarter

Lockers with PIN encoding are available for loan to Postgraduate Coursework students for 6 hours from initiation.

HDR Lounge (A12)

Lockers with PIN encoding are available for loan to Higher Degree by Research students, renewed daily every morning at 5am.

Media booths

Soundproof booths equipped with technology for recording or editing audio-visual content are available for students working on multimedia projects or making recordings.

Parents room

A parents room is located on Level 3 (main entry level) of Fisher Library. After entering the library, proceed to the front desk where the security attendant will give you access and directions to the parent room.

The parent room includes zip hot water, chilled water, a microwave, a fridge, a fold-down change table and a nappy disposal unit. There are two separate areas, each with a small table, chairs and curtain that can be drawn for privacy while breastfeeding.


Printing facilities are available across library sites, providing both colour and black-and-white printing options. Use your university credentials to access and pay for these services. Hyperlink this: Print, scan and copy - The University of Sydney

Parking nearby (paid)

Paid parking spaces available near all library sites. All Library locations also have designated accessible parking spaces nearby. These spaces are free to use for all patrons displaying a current Mobility Parking Scheme card. Further information can be found on the University website. Getting to campus - The University of Sydney

Training rooms

Dedicated training rooms equipped with technology and resources for workshops, seminars, and training sessions are available for booking by students and staff. 

Silent zones

Designated areas within the library where silence is enforced. These zones are marked with blue and white 'Silent' banners. They are for silent individual study only. 

When studying in the Silent zone, be considerate of other users of the space by:

  • keeping talk at a low volume
  • keeping phones on silent and not having phone conversations
  • being mindful not to disturb others.

Study desks

Available throughout library sites, providing quiet spaces for focused study and research. You can book a desk or meeting room for your next study session.

Study pods

Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces offering a semi-private environment for individual or small group study sessions.

Wheelchair access

Physical collections, group study rooms and recording studios are wheelchair accessible, as are many of the bathroom and kitchen facilities. All library sites have designated accessible parking spaces nearby. These spaces are free to use for all patrons displaying a current Mobility Parking Scheme card. 

Visit Getting to Campus or use the campus MazeMaps for more information about accessible buildings and facilities.