In early February 2025, EBSCOhost, one of our major database platforms, will be upgrading their website interface. This will affect the look and feel of all EBSCOhost databases, including the highly frequented CINAHL, Business Source Ultimate and EBSCOhost's eBook collections.
Interface updates
The new EBSCOhost interface will help users access information in a more streamlined manner. Key changes include:
- Streamlined navigation: simplified layout for easier access to resources
- Personalised dashboard: save, share, and organise your research efficiently
- Quick search filters: refine searches without leaving the results page
- New access to subject headings: CINAHL/MeSH subject headings can now be accessed underneath the search boxes. View the video on CINAHL/MeSH Subject headings support page to learn more about this feature.
Important notes for users
- Custom folder access: custom folders will be temporarily unavailable until April 2025 but can still be viewed in read-only mode via the “Access to Custom Folders [read only]” link in the left-hand menu of any EBSCOhost database.
- Journal and search alerts: existing alerts will not migrate to the new interface. These alerts will remain active until July 2025, so it’s recommended that you recreate your alerts in the new interface before they expire.
More information
EBSCOhost has provided several resources about the new interface:
While we expect the changes to be intuitive, the Library’s Live Chat service is available for any support or questions you may have during the transition.