John Job Crew Bradfield (1867-1943) oversaw the planning, design and building of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Bradfield also developed plans for the expansion of the rail network in Sydney, and contributed to a great many engineering projects, including the Cataract and Burrinjuck dams, and the Story Bridge in Brisbane.
Bradfield attended the University of Sydney, graduating with a Bachelor of Engineering in 1889 and the University Medal. In 1924, Bradfield was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science for his thesis, "The city and suburban electric railways and the Sydney Harbour Bridge".
The Bradfield Collection, held in Dr Bradfield’s office prior to its relocation to Rare Books & Special Collections, comprises a variety of materials related to his engineering work, including research materials, plans, images, promotional material, notes and calculations from the Sydney Harbour Bridge project. Rare Books and Special Collections also holds a series of albums of photographs of the Bridge under construction.
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