
Sewing is the process of stitching fabric and other materials to create, repair and alter clothes, toys and other items.  Sewing can be done by hand using a needle and thread, or with a machine.

Book sewing equipment

The Library’s CreateSpace is equipped with a sewing machine, overlocker, and embroidery machine. The Library will supply buttons, needles and thread to help you learn sewing. Bring your own materials that you want to create or modify and take home a finished product.  

We also offer two beginner workshops to give you basic skills to start your own project. 

Learn to sew

Our friendly Peer Learning Advisors (PLAs) are on site at CreateSpace to help throughout the sewing process.

1 Pick your project

If you’re new to sewing, it’s best to start simple. Come to one of our free workshops for inspiration or find something in your wardrobe that needs a repair or refresh.

2 Decide your method of sewing

  • Hand sewing is great for small repairs and simple decorations.

  • Machine sewing is great for larger repairs or advanced creations.

Sewing Methods

3 Gather your material

We have all the tools at CreateSpace, just make sure to bring the materials or items for your project.  

If you’re using a machine, you should take some time to measure, cut and pin your fabric, to ease the sewing process.

4 Start hand-sewing

To hand-sew, it is important to thread the needle first. 

  • Make sure the thread is cut cleanly (need sharp scissors) 

  • Helps to wet the end of the string

  • Pass the string through the “eye” (slit) of the needle

Decide on the stitching technique to be employed: 

  1. Flat sewing: use a running stitch. This technique is frequently used to temporarily hold two pieces of fabric together or to gather fabric. 
  2. Pass the needle and thread pass over and under two pieces of fabric. 
  3. Sew two edges together: use an overcast stitch, also known as a whip stitch. This technique is used to finish raw edges and to attach patches or appliques. 
  4. Push through from one side. 
  5. Pull over the top to create a loop 
  6. Push from the first side again. 

To end a stitch: Go back and forth close to the same spot (out of sight preferably) and then cut the thread. 

Tips: The key to neat hand stitching is to be consistent with the stitch length and interval between the each stitch.


5 Start machine-sewing

  1. Turn on and set up the Brother JV-1400 sewing machine in CreateSpace
  2. Plug in the foot controller pedal to ensure that the needle can run the fabric
  3. Read the instruction manual for Brother JV-1400 to set up machine further
  4. Make sure there is sufficient thread on the bobbin (underneath the platform), wind the bobbin if there is not sufficient thread.
  5. Upper thread the machine. 
  6. Whilst holding your fabric down onto the platform, press the pedal to machine sew.

These steps are detailed in Library Technology Spaces workshops: Intro to hand-sewing and Intro to machine-sewing.

When you attend your booking, our PLAs will help set up the tools you need to start your sewing project. 

6 Celebrate

Congratulations! You have successfully finished your first sewing project.

What's on

The PLA team regularly run workshops on both hand and machine sewing. Workshop times and where to book them can be found here.

If you’re keen to keep on crafting, join our community of makers and crafters at the First Wednesday Craft Group in CreateSpace.

  • Contact

    Talk to a Peer Learning Advisor to learn more about sewing. 

    Peer Learning Advisors