1. Create or find a list

Find the Reading List tool in Canvas

Log in to Canvas and go to your unit of study's Canvas site. In the navigation panel on the left side of the screen select Reading List.

Screenshot of the Reading List button in an example Canvas course.

Create a new list 

Click Create new list 

Screenshot of create new list and select existing list buttons.

Enter a List Name title.
Under Link to course enter the unit code/s and click Next.

Screenshot of the create new list pop up page. Shows the list name field and the next button.

Under Create sections heading choose a template for your Reading List.
Click Create list

Screenshot of the create new list template. Shows the create sections arrow with template options, number of sections field and create list button.

Add collaborators 

List owners can add colleagues as collaborators. Go to List info in top tool bar. 

Screenshot of the list info button in the top tool bar.

Click on Manage collaborators and Add collaborators.
Search for the person you’d like to add and click on their name. Choose if you would like them to be a list owner or editor and click Save

List owner can add, edit, remove items and sections, delete lists, and add and remove collaborators.

List editor can add, edit, remove items and sections only. 

Screenshot of adding collaborators. Shows list owner and can edit list options and save button.

Create and move sections  

To create a new section within your list click Add and New section

Screenshot of the add button and the new section button.

On the next screen enter the title of the section, choose where on the list you'd like to place it and press Add

Screenshot of the add new section page. Shows title field, add section order and add button.

To change the order of your sections, minimise all the sections first by clicking on Manage sections

Screenshot of the Manage sections button.

Then drag the section to your desired location.
When you’ve finished moving sections, click on Manage items to expand the list again. 

Screenshot of the manage items button and drag button.

Next steps

2. Edit

3. Finalise

  • Contact

    For help using the Reading List tool in Canvas contact the Library’s unit of study team. 

    Online form