Teaching information and digital literacy skills

Our approach to IDL skills development

Our team of IDL experts work with Academic Liaison Librarians (ALLs) to provide learning experiences that:

  • use our resources responsibly and equitably
  • build partnerships and leverage inter-professional expertise
  • enhance educational outcomes
  • provide value
  • encourage evidence-based approaches and experimentation.

The Library’s service model (pdf, 120KB) outlines the different tiers of learning experiences we provide to support skills development of your students.

IDL partnerships

Partner with Academic Liaison Librarians to design assessments in core (or equivalent) units of study and develop workshops or learning objects. To partner with Academic Liaison Librarians, reach out via our Contact a Librarian page

Examples of assessment co-design

Academic Liaison Librarian contribution to assessment

 What this looks like

IDL consultation

Provide suggestions on the structure and format of an assessment to emphasise the IDL aspects
Example: Suggest that quality of sources be part of the marking criteria

Assignment support material


Create support material to help students complete the IDL aspects of the assignment
Example: A Canvas page that scaffolds how to complete the IDL aspects of the assignment


Co-design of assessment tasks or rubrics


Help identifying and highlighting IDL skills in your assignment
Example: Describe levels of IDL performance from novice to expert in your rubric


Case studies of bespoke partnerships

See this video for information about IDL partnerships and case studies.

  • Contact

    For advice about developing your students’ information and digital literacy skills contact an Academic Liasion Librarian.

    Contact us